Explore New Horizons with TickTickTrader & CQG

Transform Your Futures Trading Today with
TickTickTrader and CQG Integration

Get 30% Discount on CQG

Discover Unparalleled Trading Efficiency

TickTickTrader proudly introduces its latest integration with CQG Trading, the renowned Futures trading platform known for its speed, reliability, and unmatched market access. Join the traders who choose CQG for its advanced technology and superior trading experience.

Key Features

Trade from Anywhere with CQG

Compatible with Windows, Mac, and All Mobile Devices
Our platform’s flexibility ensures you’re always connected to the market, whether you’re working on a desktop at the office, using your laptop at a café, or staying updated through your phone while on the move. This seamless compatibility across all devices guarantees that you never miss an opportunity in the dynamic world of Futures trading.

Risk Management

Safeguard your investments with our robust risk management tools. The TickTickTrader and CQG integration offers real-time analytics and monitoring, enabling you to make informed decisions and manage your risk effectively.

Trading Routing Tools

Revolutionize your trading with state-of-the-art order routing tools. CQG intelligent algorithms ensure your trades are executed swiftly and efficiently, maximizing your chances for success in the dynamic world of Futures trading.

Get started with CQG with an Exclusive 30% Launch Discount from TickTicktrader

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to elevate your trading experience with TickTickTrader and CQG. For a limited time, enjoy an exclusive 30% discount. Act now and be part of TOP traders!

Expert Answers to Your Key Questions
on TickTickTrader & CQG Integration

Absolutely! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, CQG offers intuitive features and customizable tools to suit your trading style.

Simply click on the “Get 30% discount on CQG”’ button and sign up to avail of the exclusive launch discount. Hurry, as this offer expires by the end of the month

The CQG integration is now accessible for all account types, enhancing your trades with its robust features. Specifically, the exclusive 30% offer discount is applicable only to our three account bundles and standard evaluation accounts (25k Starter, 50k Advanced, 100k Pro). This arrangement ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness for traders leveraging these particular products.

CQG Accounts can only be traded using the official CQG Trading Web Application and cannot be linked to another trading platform.